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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

I Was Thirsty, So I Ordered Toilet Paper

I got thirsty this morning, and ended up ordering toilet paper. Because this is how my mind works. I'll take you on this journey with me, where I dig myself down into a hole and back out of it again.

While working, I realized I was thirsty. I went to take a drink of my Coke, but it was empty. So I crushed the can and dropped it in the bin, then grabbed a glass to pour some water. That left the pitcher low, but I couldn't refill the pitcher because there was a dirty bowl soaking in the sink and blocking where the pitcher would need to sit. So I needed to do dishes. I emptied the dishwasher and started rinsing dirty dishes to refill it, but then realized with all the bending over and running water that I needed to go to the bathroom.