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Tolerance is my Value System

first published June 1, 2013

You may see me posting things on my Facebook page and think, "Hey, I didn't know Meronym was a _____." And maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But you see, I feel pretty strongly about everyone having the right to be a ______ themselves, whether I am or not. And that blank can be filled in with a lot of things.

I am a weird queer chick. I shave my head, and I'm comfortable with my fat, and sometimes I wear men's clothes, other times women's clothes. I have all kinds of interests that don't seem to go together, and I demand the right to pursue them all, regardless of what anyone else thinks is 'normal'. That, I'm not interested in.

I am a geek. That means I'm occasionally strange and speak in quotes or have strong views of how something should be in a fictional universe. It also means that I see, in my mind, a world where the differences between us are regarded as strengths to be savored rather than embarrassments to be smoothed over and hidden.

I am polyamorous. That means that I have a male partner and a female partner and a boyfriend, to boot. And I care about them all. And I'm not interested in hiding that or pretending to be a traditional couple just to make other people comfortable.

All that aside, when people meet me, the only initial clue they have to my 'differentness' is that I shave my head. But the fact that I'm a straight, cis-gendered, white Christian puts me solidly in the 'powered majority'. However, that doesn't mean I can't protest when I see someone being intolerant. Because I should, and do.

I'm not gay, but I have friends who are. And I feel pretty strongly that they should have all the rights to pursue their own happiness that I have. So you'll see posts for gay marriage and against places that discriminate against gay folk.

I'm not transgender, but I have friends who are. And I want them to feel safe living as their real selves, regardless of what's between their legs.

I'm not biracial, but I have friends who are. Well, I'm not genetically. But my Momma's white, my stepdaddy's black, and my daughter's Native American. So genetically I'm white, but really, who knows? And who cares?

I'm not bisexual, but I have friends who are. And I don't care what gender of folk they love or have loved or may at some point love, as long as they love people who treat them well.

I'm not an Aspie, but I have friends who are. And I want them to find understanding and patience for their quirks and social awkwardness among the rest of us.

I'm not pagan or atheist, but I have friends who are. And I've had a lot more reasonable and valuable conversations about religion and faith and belief with my non-Christian friends than with the Christian set. I don't care which belief system you choose to follow (well, I care, but I won't be intolerant about it), as long as you follow the principles of loving other people, and you've made your choice with knowledge and thought.

Let's see, what else can I fill in the blank with? Maybe later, but right now I've got to get ready to go hang out with some of my gay, trans, poly, Aspie, queer, biracial, geeky, pagan, atheist, and bisexual friends...

1 comment:

  1. Plot twist... turns out I am, indeed, both transgender and autistic...
