There are certain things that every adult SHOULD know how to do. Shockingly, many don't. After many conversations about that very lack, some of my friends and I proposed that each person should have to earn their Basic Adulting Card, by proving to have the basic skills to take care of themselves in the real world. And until obtaining that Basic Adulting Card, no one should be turned loose upon the world to annoy the rest of us. And so, a list of requirements to be a 'real grownup' was born. Think of it as Home-Ec for everyone. Feel free to suggest additions in the comments.
Household Basics
- be able to make a bed neatly
- cleaning basics - washing dishes, chemicals for cleaning
- basic home maintenance - changing lightbulbs & air filters
- appliance maintenance - clean the oven, dryer lint trap
- yard maintenance - mowing
Food Basics
- grocery shopping
- be able to cook at least three simple meals for two or more people (suggestions - baked chicken, spaghetti, hamburgers)
- know how to read a basic recipe and successfully prepare something
- be able to make a pot of coffee
- Nutrition
Clothing Basics
- put on a button
- iron a shirt
- hem pants
- doing laundry
- tie a tie
Vehicle Basics (driving is covered in drivers' licensing)
- how to check/add fluids
- change a tire
- jump-start a car with jumper cables
- preventative maintenance (getting your oil changed)
- when to call a mechanic
- buying a vehicle
- what to do after a wreck
Financial Basics
- balance a checkbook
- monthly utilities, cutting on/off, reducing use
- credit cards, loans, and interest
- debt
- budgeting
- filing taxes
- retirement planning
Shopping Basics
- sales & discounts
- warranties
- making returns
Basic Literacy
- be able to read a flyer
- write a note
- thank you notes/letters
Social Basics
- introductions
- personal hygiene
- telephone etiquette
- dating skills, red flags/signs of abuse
- social boundaries - drawing yours and respecting others'
- scheduling/planning - using a calendar, making appointments
Diversity Basics
- diversity & tolerance
- other cultures - language, behaviors, foods
- world religions
- alternative gender, relationship, & sexuality identifications
Technology Basics
- Electricity - Surge Protection, Breakers, Safety
- Basic Computer use - using a mouse & keyboard
- Online security - information to not share, questions to not answer
- searching the internet
- Email basics - sending an email, phishing attempts
- buying something online
- Cell Phone Etiquette (when to silence your phone, hello/goodbye, setting up voicemail)
Health Basics
- Infection - Treatment & Prevention
- Symptoms - When to call a doctor/911
- Sexual Education - names & functions of body parts, consent & boundaries, STI prevention, birth control
- learning about medications
- finding a doctor
- uses & types of therapy
- types of neurodivergence
Childcare Basics
- changing a diaper
- holding a baby
- feeding babies/children
Legal Basics
- signing a contract
- Insurance - home, vehicle, health, life
- Wills & Trusts, Power of Attorney
Employment Basics
- create a resume
- apply for a job
- interview skills
Emergency Basics
- what to do in a fire
- how to swim
- calling 911
- Basic First Aid
Basic Civic Responsibility
- Public Servants/Service
- American history, world wars
- Government, Voting
- planting and growing things
- general animal life cycle
But at the beginning of that year, after High School graduation, they go take their BAC test. If they pass with a demonstration of all this basic knowledge, they are done with that. If not, there should be (free) classes offered at various times they can take while working or whatever, so they can learn how to be independent adults. And they can retake the test as many times as needed.
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