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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

I Was Thirsty, So I Ordered Toilet Paper

I got thirsty this morning, and ended up ordering toilet paper. Because this is how my mind works. I'll take you on this journey with me, where I dig myself down into a hole and back out of it again.

While working, I realized I was thirsty. I went to take a drink of my Coke, but it was empty. So I crushed the can and dropped it in the bin, then grabbed a glass to pour some water. That left the pitcher low, but I couldn't refill the pitcher because there was a dirty bowl soaking in the sink and blocking where the pitcher would need to sit. So I needed to do dishes. I emptied the dishwasher and started rinsing dirty dishes to refill it, but then realized with all the bending over and running water that I needed to go to the bathroom.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Naturally-Carved Jack-O-Lantern

I found this image posted on Facebook in a few places. And I found it wonderfully horrific. Also suitable to my usual laziness. 

So I got a big fat pumpkin and some peanut butter. I found this article about having a naturally-carved pumpkin:

Using a drill to make holes in the pumpkin is something I've done before. I like it as a lazy carving technique.

I thought you guys might like to follow along the progress, so I'll take some pictures and we'll see what happens.

It sounds like it could take as few as a couple of days for the squirrels to do their work, and then it'll go bad like a week later. Which means this might be a trial run before Halloween, and we do another later.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Pronouns as Canaries

I have some outside reading to refer you to this time - 'Pronouns are the Canary in the Coal Mine' - go ahead; go read it first. But the short version is that telling someone your pronouns is a simple measure of how they will (or won't) respect you overall.

We wear a vest almost all the time when we're out of the house. When I meet people, I will often point to the patches on my vest as I introduce myself. One has our name, and the other shows our pronouns. After I've done that, I generally won't say much about my pronouns, though I typically will use plural pronouns in conversation a lot (for those new to my space, we use both plural and singular personal pronouns - I/me/my/mine and we/us/our/ours - depending on intent).

Monday, May 2, 2022

Religion, Worship, Prayer

 A couple of friends lately have brought up the subject of prayer and worship with me, and I rather like one of the answers I've typed out, so I'll share parts of it. 

First, context. I was raised casually-Christian. In that I understood I was a Christian, I went to church a handful of times a year with various family members, but I didn't really have any active worshipping or churching happening in my life. I also occasionally went to synagogue or temple with various friends or classmates. I went to school with a lot of Jewish friends, so 7th and 8th grade meant a lot of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs (is there a collective term for that?). I went to a Baptist summer camp, and was baptized at least a couple of times (I'm pretty sure I was baptized as a baby, too?).

As I got older, I learned more about other religions, both real-world and fictional.  I took a couple of cultural anthropology courses, which were enthralling for examining religions from without. Sci-fi and fantasy fiction world-building have to include religion as part of those worlds, and often include a lot of thought and discussion about how a particular religious view can influence entire moral structures and behavior mores. If you ask me now about my guiding faith, I'll point you toward IDIC ( Yep, that's from Star Trek.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

You Can Be Anything You Want To Be

 You can be anything you want to be. You can even be 'just' what you are...

I was a Gifted Child(TM) and was told over and over I could be anything. And when I got into the working world, I had multiple bosses, during reviews, push me toward that next promotion or that harder, higher-paying job.

But you know what? I don't want a promotion. I like what I do, and I am REALLY good at it. I feel valued by my coworkers and clients and supported by my boss, and I love having the answer for things when people ask. 

Better yet, I get paid a very comfortable salary and have excellent working hours (from home even), and have plenty of time and energy left to do non-work things.

It took a while to stop feeling guilty because I wasn't going for CEO and President and stuff, and instead just enjoy where I'm at. But I'm there.

Monday, January 10, 2022

My Food Truck Idea - 'Packed Lunch'

I've said before that if I ever wanted to open a food truck, it would be 'Packed Lunch' - all premade/cold foods, tossed in a paper sack, just like we got as kids for taking to school. For one price, maybe $5, you pick one of each of the following:

  • One premade sandwich. Pick from whatever sandwiches I'm offering today. But always PB&J as an option. They are all on plain white bread. No artisan fancy breads here.
    • PB&J - creamy peanut butter and cheap grape jelly.
    • Bologna & Cheese - that's plain American cheese slices and cheap meat-like product.
    • Today's Sandwich - this is whatever I either found cheap makings for, had leftovers of, or just felt like making. Maybe it's a grilled cheese, maybe it's a tortilla wrap. After Thanksgiving, for example, it's likely to be turkey or ham for the next couple of weeks. Less of these available will be available each day - get 'em early.
  • One Fruit Side - an apple, banana, applesauce, or fruit rollup.
  • One bag of chips. I'll get the big mixed bag pack of Doritos, Cheetos, Lays, etc. One of each will be in the window, and when we run out, I grab the one in the window, and we're out of that.
  • One dessert - a jello cup, pudding cup, or pack of cookies. Sometimes that'll be one cookie in a ziploc because I made cookies; sometimes it'll be Oreos from the store multi-pack. But only one cookie option at any given time.
  • One drink box - milk, chocolate milk, apple juice, maybe a small bottled water as an option.

Everything's laid out in order - you hand me $5, I grab a paper bag and grab one thing in each column as you pick 'em. I hand you the bag - no waiting to be called. If something runs out, it's no longer available for the day. 

After you pay, there's a table with mayo & mustard, napkins, and plastic knives for cutting your sandwich or apple if you need to. That should be all you need.