I'd like to share someone else's writing, for a changeup. I follow TheFerrett as he struggles with writing, mental wellness, and life.
Getting Ice Cream With My Therapist
I read this piece, and it was like being seen. We have spent so many years struggling with our mental issues constantly. The status quo was, for so long, "What are we struggling with today?" There was always an alter upset, a bit of anxiety or depression to focus on, problems with controlling switching, or relationship problems.
Now we still struggle sometimes, but there are these gaps where everything's, well, FINE. There's nothing to focus on as the problem of the day, because we've done a lot of work to get to a place where we are healthier. And [gasp] it's worked. There are many days where there isn't a struggle, where figuring out what to eat is the toughest thing to work on.
Many times when those days come up, I feel guilty. I react as if I'm slacking off, letting the problems run amuck without supervision. I feel like maybe I'm missing the issues, like one's sneaking around causing damage in the background, and I should be out there searching for something to be wrong. I'm afraid that I am just in denial that anything is wrong, and how dare I be content?
But that's not the case. Really, it's just that I'm... OKAY. Everything is working fine. The hard work we've put in for years trying to get a handle on our struggles has come to fruition, and I'm handling things just fine.
I don't know how to handle being Fine. I don't know how to sit and be Okay. I don't know how to take a day off from struggling with myself. Which is crazy. I'm so used to struggling with a problem that when there isn't one, I'll manufacture a problem with being Okay.
I got where I was trying to be, healthier and capable of having many days of being Okay. But I didn't expect that to be the hard part.
I commented something like the above on one of TheFerrett's posts of the above. His response:
"When you struggle all the time, calm feels ominous."
And how right that one is. But today, I'm Okay. And I'm going to try to be Okay with that.