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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

You Can Be Anything You Want To Be

 You can be anything you want to be. You can even be 'just' what you are...

I was a Gifted Child(TM) and was told over and over I could be anything. And when I got into the working world, I had multiple bosses, during reviews, push me toward that next promotion or that harder, higher-paying job.

But you know what? I don't want a promotion. I like what I do, and I am REALLY good at it. I feel valued by my coworkers and clients and supported by my boss, and I love having the answer for things when people ask. 

Better yet, I get paid a very comfortable salary and have excellent working hours (from home even), and have plenty of time and energy left to do non-work things.

It took a while to stop feeling guilty because I wasn't going for CEO and President and stuff, and instead just enjoy where I'm at. But I'm there.