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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Multiplicity of Me

In addition to my personal Facebook Notes getting hosed, the Notes I had created for my page Multiplicity of Me also got lost. So I managed to go back and find them all, and now I'm creating pages here for them as well. I've put them in the list of pages as 'Multiplicity Links' so that I can link to them from the Facebook page, That's the page where I talk about the experience of being a multiple personality, tell stories on things my alters do, share memes, and answer questions about being multiple. Please follow me there if you're interested.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Writing Wednesday

I've really enjoyed going back through some of my old writings to convert them from Facebook notes to Pages here. I've finished about fifteen of them, and still have quite a few more to go. And, you know, I think I'm a pretty interesting writer - well, sometimes, anyway. So I've decided to start posting one writing each week to my Facebook to share with folks. Hopefully others will enjoy my Writing Wednesdays; or at least I will. 

Of course, I'll start with posting up things that are Christmas (and Christmas Carol) related, then move on to others of my old posts. Of course, the real challenge starts when I've shared all my old posts and need to start sharing new material. But one a week seems completely reasonable. Especially if I include some of my fiction in there (from You know, I could share other folks' writing, too - it's my project, and I make the rules, right?

The other challenge will be tracking which I've posted and which I haven't yet. At least, as long as we're doing old material. I guess I'll need to note that somewhere.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Facebook Notes - Converted

I used to write up quite a few Facebook notes - things I wanted to save and refer back to again and again. Sometimes an essay on a current topic, or a movie review. Or even just a list of information I wanted to come back to. 

In fall of 2020, Facebook started posting a message saying that as of October 2020, Notes would no longer be available to edit or to create new, but they would preserve the existing ones. I was upset, but not surprised. The Notes button on a profile page had gradually been moved to be harder and harder to find, and on Facebook pages as well. So I started thinking about other methods to save my thoughts, but at least I wouldn't be losing my old notes.

Sure enough, the Notes became locked. I put off doing anything about new notes, because I could still get to my old ones. And then one day I couldn't. Because they were G-O-N-E. Facebook had removed them entirely. The link to my Notes page just didn't resolve. I was so mad, and so hurt. 

But then I found where someone posted how to dig them out of archives:
It's a little bit of work, but I was able to make copies of most of my old notes into my Google Drive. The only one that won't load that my feelings are hurt about was entitled 'I Am a Rhino', and it's about weight and self-image and had a lot of great pictures. And I think it's gone forever.

So now I'm loading each of these, and cleaning them up, into this blogsite, so that I can find them, hopefully, forever. Work that shouldn't be necessary, if Facebook would have just left them alone, but Fine. I'll handle it. 

I'm going to try posting them, not as blog posts, but as pages, so they can be easily accessed from a list by title. Otherwise they have to be sorted by date posted in blog archive, which isn't ideal.